Our core mission is to connect Africa with America by integrating the cultures on a first-hand-knowledge basis.
Yaba TV media is focused on educating everyone about Africa. Through our media, African children born in America can learn about Africa even before their first visit to Africa. All American can be enlightened even more about the African cultures through our television show.
The Yaba TV Show highlights the many aspects of African life including different cultures, traditions, family values, morals, beliefs, investment opportunities, business, tourism ideas, special events, and exclusive grassroots footages about Africa; in other words, Africans presenting the motherland as we live it. African-American viewers can now begin to cultivate their ancestral roots as we present detail footage on a given country one at a time.
In July 2009, President Obama visited Ghana, West Africa. As a result, many African-Americans are now interested to learn more about Ghana and other African countries. The Yaba TV Show plays an important role in conncting Africa to the world. We will visit Africa periodically to capture authentic footages on art, cultures and life styles to be aired on our TV show.
Our long term goal is to build a cultural resource center for our communities and teach our authentic African cultures. We will have African artists visit the United States and America artists visit Africa in an effort to encourage cultural diffusion in the art, music and lifestyles. A portion of proceeds will also benefit orphans and widows in Africa, one country at time.
Yaba TV Show is a non-profit corporation with a 501C 3 status and all donations are tax deductible.
Support our cause today and make a donation.
Mission Statement